Monday, October 26, 2009

Seasons Change

Today it finally felt like the seasons had changed. The whole time ive been here my teachers have been saying that it will get very dark and depressing, but instead we would have some overcast days, then a sunny day, then a lightly sprinkling day.

but today was all different. Daylights savings was on Sunday for us. Dont ask me why we get it a week or so earlier than you. But i spent the whole day locked up in studio, so i didnt really notice when it got dark.

Today i was in class, occasionally staring out the window. and then i was dark outside..and it was only 5 pm. To top it off its also a rainy day.

Now, i dont think this rain has been bad. it doesnt rain all the time. its more than a spinkle, but less than pelts. at least when i was out. so this is very tolerable. but i know the light will get worse. i think eventually it will be dark by 3 or so.

Luckily im heading south for a few weeks, come the weekend. i can chase the sun. i look forward to that. tho i have no final plans yet... so pray for that haha.

okay. i have to go back to working on my studio project. (im working in my room now)

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