Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A post with no real content.

So i just woke up from a nap. Im still really tired. Got work to do but its okay cuz i know i can get some done tonight, plus i dont have class tomorrow. I do have not one, but TWO danish tests on friday. okay, so one is a 'quiz' and one is a 'test' but its in the same period. so i should study. Plus studio project is due next week.

Dont know what else to say. i was ganna start commenting on cultural observations. But i think maybe instead ill start doing work again, then make dinner, then study, waste some time, then make a post about animal poo. (trust me, that will make much more sense later, but i want to taunt you with it ;)

picture is taken 200 paces from my building. okay maybe 400. i have no idea what a pace is, or at the least i havent counted my steps.

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