Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tivoli, updates, and apologies


i know its been along time since ive written. almost a week. im sorry. i really am. Things have just been so busy here. Ive had a lot of projects to work on. We have a big studio project due next week too. but i know thats no excuse.

Im still ganna post the rest of the study trip sometime, but i have more great stuff to share. I went on a beautiful walk (probably one of the last sunny days for some time). Ive gone out with the Danes from my floor. Made burritos. And...

This past weekend i got to go to Tivoli for the first time. For those not in the know, its one of the oldest theme parks in the world, and its right in the middle of city. its a special place for Danes. When the germans wanted to make Denmark mad during WWII they destroyed a few buildings in Tivoli (which the danes finished rebuilding less than 6 months later).

Its a cool place. filled with lights. it was decorated for holloween when i went, dispite the fact its not open on holloween haha.

The top pic is of the swings. I went on it. (you know i love swings!)
the second pic is from an awesome light show they had just before closing.

one of the best parts of tivoli was teh playground. went there as the park was closing and played till the park was probably closed. So much fun. Some one has a pic. ill post it later when i get hold of it ;)

1 comment:

  1. sounds amamzing man, i can just imagine you on that giant swing having the time of your life.
