Tuesday, October 13, 2009

New Layout


I should probably be working on my studio assignment, but I just spent the last hour or so editing the code for my site. I cant tell you how excited I am with the result! I was able to do everything that i wanted to change. I've tried dealing with background images and opacities on otehr websites that I've had and have never been able to get it to work the way that I want it to. Don't be surprised if the background changes frequently now.

If you notice anything weird about the page, or think its hard to read let me know and ill try to fix it. I may have to make the white backgrounds a little less transparent.

Thanks to my Dad for introducing me to basic html editing, and to my digital design class for reminding me that I can do this stuff.

The picture is me sitting in an awesome chair at the Red Dot Museum. Not the most comfortable chair ever, but still fun. It would have been better if it was hanging.

EDIT: I just discovered this page looks wrong in internet explorer. I use firefox. If anyone uses safari let me know how it looks. It should appear like this:


  1. thank you!

    im glad you like it.
    totally worth postponing studio, though i did feel a little guilty haha. not anymore.
    the site makes me happy everytime i see it.

  2. dig it. html errors are very annoying. esp cuz i have no idea what it is or how to fix it. blogspot fails me. but you pwn it. so thanks for avenging my technological illiteracy.
