Friday, October 9, 2009

The Return

I had an amazing time in Germany and the Netherlands. I especially love Holland (NL). We spent two nights in Cologne, three in Utrecht, and one on the bus. Visited Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and a few other places. I got to visit buildings by OMA, Peter Zumthor, Norman Foster, J.A. Brinkman, ONL, MVRDV, Tado Ando, Sauna and several more. I didn’t even realize the last two had projects outside of Japan, but they were some of my favorite visits.

Over the course of 6 days I took around 600 photos. I don’t really know where to start, so I figured I would just show two images. The first is the backside of a sound barrier between the highway and a neighborhood just outside of Utrecht. It’s adjacent to the Hessing Cockpit (pictures to come). The second photo is of a canal in the older part of Utrecht. I had dinner near here the last day. If this is just the infrastructure, imagine how stunning everything else is.

Thanks to everyone who wished me a great time! It definitely paid off. Cant wait to share more in the coming days. If you have any requests let me know. I have far too many pictures to post them all. I can post a full itinerary as well.


  1. SWEET!!! Love your title by the way. I would love to see just one picture of each building you went to or at least their names so I can check it out online. Glad you had a lot of fun.

  2. Okay, so last night i went out to bars with a german guy from... that's right, COLOGNE, and a dutch girl from... that's right, HOLLAND. small world. kind of. i have a strange delusion that someday, we can take each other two the countries we've been to and do a world tour. great pictures btw. i know how much time blogging takes, so just post up whatever you can whenever you can. welcome back.

  3. hello!
    wow, you are having an amazing time in Europe! going to other countries and seeing all of that amazing architecture! i agree with lissette, post up one or 2 images from each architect's bldg.
