Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 3- Hard to Photograph

These two images are from the Zeche Zollverein, which is a really old and important coal mine that has been re-masterplaned by OMA. its a cultural center and museum to the area. its kinda hard to photograph. just large industrail looking spaces. its okay.

Part of the site is Norman Foster's Red Dot Museum. Dont care much for norman foster, but the musum was neat. An old industrial building with lots of cool chairs and product design seemingly randomly placed inside. kinda fun.

This is the inside of Saunna's Zollvereim School of Management & Design. Loved this place. I sprawled out on the floor and the German tour guide laughed. said i was experiencing the space the right way. Apparently he has spent entire days in there just seeing how the light changes. There were a lot of people who didnt like this building, but i thought it was enjoyable. Great spaces. Those people just dont know anything. hahaha im just kidding.
After a long bus ride we had a surprise stop at a design school that i should be able to tell you more about but can't. By this time we had crossed to the Netherlands. The student in the pink shirt gave a presentation on the State of Dutch Architecture. It was actually pretty cool. lots to debate. He also was very humble when stating which buildings and designers were the best in his opinion.

I promise this day was more exciting than the pictures reveal.


  1. looks cool, especially the Zollvereim School of Management & Design with all the windows, ooos and awes

  2. i'm liking the coal mine. reminds me of robocop for some reason.

    and i do miss the old nodes logo just a little. but seeing as how i think you and i are the only one keeping updated blogs (cough ryan cough) i guess this one will do.

  3. hahaha thats so funny. I saw the second half of robocop on tv for the first time a few days after i went there. i have to watch the whole thing now. it was so fun.

    And yea, i do like the old logo too. maybe sometime i can bring it back, or revamp it. But, if you look at the screen shot of my screen you can see ur blog has its own button on my browser, so hopefully that compensates some haha
