Sunday, November 1, 2009

J-dag and Ticket to Italy

Its been a while. But that’s cuz its been busy! Last week we had review for our studio project, and after that I think I was just kinda worn out. Since then Ive basically just taken naps and gone on bike rides. But I have done two important things!

First: I helped celebrate J-dag. This year it was Friday Oct. 30. It’s a weird holiday. I actually don’t think its really a holiday, but a cultural phenomenon. Its the day that the new Christmas beer is released. People flood the streets. There are release parties at every bar club and café. But since its so close to Halloween, some people are dressed up in their costumes. So one the one hand you have people passing out beer branded flannel shirts and santa hats (yes I have my own now) and on the other you have people dressed as slutty Vikings or sailors. All in all it was a good night. And the city is small enough that even after my friends left I ran into other friends of mine. It’s a very close nit city.

Second: I booked my ticket to Italy! Haha. Okay so I am officially on a 2 week break. Most people had tickets and plans long ago, and even now almost all my friends have left the country and are off on busy itineraries. Probably shoulda done that. But Im taking it easy for a few days, then Wednesday I fly to Italy, and ill be there a week or so before coming back. Yes, I will go visit the Florence kids. They may or may not know that. I should probably research stuff to do once im there.

Other things you should know

-right now im drying my towels and sheets on the radiator.

-went for a nice long bike ride today.. to probably the coldest place I could possibley go. It’s a cold overcast day, and I biked to the upper part of Amager, and to the beach. Did I mention the intense wind? the picture is from the beach. sorry, i didnt take j-dag pics. ill get them from someone.

-I know this post has a lot of text. I don’t blame you for not reading it all! :)

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