Monday, November 30, 2009


Im Back!

Most of you don’t know that I left for Prague over the thanksgiving break. Why we get the holiday off at all I have no idea. Seems silly to me. But I took the chance to travel with some friends. We were gone 5 days. I had an amazing time. And now im back to work. Finals are coming up in the next two weeks and I have a lot of deadlines. Traveling set me slightly behind, but I think that I may be able to pull it off. Ive got two videos to film and or edit, and a full set of plans due in the next 12-36 hours. And beyond that I have no idea what else. But rather than blather on about this ima point out a few things I learned on the trip then head back to work. Pictures will be online in the coming week.

- The UK edition of Wired is great. and the content isnt all the same. (sidenote: they had the gorilaz on the cover of the last issue)

- 100 Czech Kroner = $6. Math was hard.

- The Czech Republic is beautiful. And the people are nice, even if they only half know english. And the public transit is great.

- I was once again reminded by security to take my hat off inside of a cathedral. This does not apply in synagogues.

- Czech food is now some of my favorite. A week of hardy meals with goulash in bread bowls, and pork neck with dumplings.

- Cameras do funny things when you drop them. Don’t drop them. I don’t care how cool that playground by the Charles Bridge is.

- British accents are fun.

- I walk fast.

- Christmas markets are neat. I saw more kids on their parents shoulders at once than I have in my entire life.

- We got caught in the middle of a choir rehearsal in a public square. There were 2000 people from all over the world singing together for the first time. It was…definitely rehearsal. Then we were asked by an old lady why we “not sing.”

- Ukrainian girls are fun to talk to.


  1. That's a cool building behind you in your last pic. It looks really familiar. Did you show it to me from one of your arch books?

    wait! i just figured it out. It's in my "The big trip book." (I just checked) It's by Frank Gehry. Aren't you proud i know who built it? lol.

  2. haha i am proud! not my favorite architect but i do really like this building. And i forgot that it was in Pargue so that made it doubly cool.

    This was also my friends first frank gehry building, so they were pretty excited.
