Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Digital Design Videos

Since ive been back ive spent a lot of time working on two videos that i needed to complete for my digital design course. I really dont want to post school work, esspecially since its not my best, but ive spent about 4 hours or so on each over the last two day. I want to share the experience with you.
The first video is of Gronjords kolligiet (which is where i live). The purpose was just to demonstrate movement and animation of things which aren't really moving. i think i did 90% of this today. I left studio early to take pictures while the sun was still out. The second video is more of an animated story board for chapter 9 of the Neuromancer. I had already made the images for another assignment, so i just had to go back and edit them some, then animate them. Both videos are created in adobe premiere, a program that i dont really know. most of what you see here is what i got out of an hour and a half tutorial on the program. I think they could be better. A few parts move too slow, and they could respond better to the music. In the second video (which i actually made first) i added the music later, which was a mistake. But since they are due tomorrow and im just learning the program, i think they are pretty good. Hope you enjoy!

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