Monday, December 21, 2009

It's all changing

Hey guys!
Hope your well.
as for me, well, its snowing! haha i think thats a good thing. at least for now. A lot has been happening the last few weeks. i finished school friday but that feels like forever ago. ive been hanging out with all my friends since then. A lot of the really good friends ive made here are semester students, and so now they are all leaving to go back to their home universities and some of them are even graduating. Im excited for them but i the same time im really sad about it. everytime i see one of em i have to wonder if thats the last time ill ever see them, or if we will stay in touch or what. Good people. Shout out to all you UVA, Wash U, and UC Boulder kids. You made my life better! thank you.

that said, let the good times roll. Ive gone ice skating with my american friends, had a christmas feast with my Danish friends, saw avatar in 3d, partied with myamerican friends (i love the meat packing district;) and so much more. But why read about it when you can see it..

The beautiful and frigid view from my window

This is a sad moment. Its Mark walking with all his stuff to the Metro to go to the airport. He spent the last night on my couch cuz he needed a place to stay. i feel slightly stockerish documenting this moment..but its a symbolic picture of everyone who is leaving.
This is my room yesterday afternoon. I have three peoples luggage. Marks plane left the next day but he had to be out of his room. Ryan's flight got cancelled so he had to being his stuff somewhere for a little bit to get things sorted out since he also had to be out of his room. And then there some of Andrea's stuff cuz she also need a place to put things while she moved to her new housing.
This is the Christmas feast i had with the people in my kichen. it was fantastic! it was a traditional Danish Christmas dinner, with roasted duck, pork, potatoes, caramelized potatoes, red cabbage and two types of gravy. and yes, cabbage is amazing! you havent good cabbage if you still think that is horrible. We also had a really good rice pudding desert covered with warm cherries and sauce. Wally says that Jeanie makes the best hes ever had, and he would know.
Some of the people from my floor. Ill post better pictures once i get them from people. From left: Rille, Kenneth, and Jeanie. They are the greatest.

Ice skating in Fredriksberg. From left: Andrea, Charyl, Ryan, Mark, Annie
They cleaned the AD studios...this is the result. facilities must hate us hahaha

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