Monday, December 7, 2009

Polar Bears and Brad Pitt....this is COP15

As you've probably heard, COP 15 is this week here in Copenhagen. actually, its the next two weeks. There are a bunch of cool things around the city now, most of which i have yet to see, but here are a few in the square close to school:

First, this is a melting ice sculpture of a polar bear...complete with creepy bronze skeleton inside.

This is my friend Yvonne next to the skeleton bear. the thing is huge..well life size i guess. also notice the lil film crew in the background.
This is also there..but i dont know why. it didnt look like there was really anything inside, but ill keep checking. His name is written even larger on the otherside of the trailer. oh, and website is written on it aswell. i had no idea such a site afraid to visit do it.

1 comment:

  1. i was staring at that first picture for a while before i read the article. i was quite confused until i read it was melting and it had a internal skeletal structure. cool stuff.
