Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pecha Kucha

This was an art instalation that happened to be there. you had to walk by it to get to the event. its a whole bunch of large shards of glass suspended. its really cool and really trippy.
This was one of the presentations. this guy develped a cool music mixing device called Mixitui. i suggest you go look it up. its amazing.
This is a blurry photo of all the people there. mostly cool young danes as you can see. half the people were in chairs, and probably more than half lay or sat of large bean bags and pillows. i was a part of that group. good times.

About a week ago i went to Pecha Kucha night here in CPH. For those that dont know, its an event started by architects where people can get up and present anything. Usually they present recent projects, or research, or art projects, or whatever captures their imagination. Its kinda expanded tho, at least here in CPH, to other fields. web designers, spoken word, instalation artists, etc presented. The format is that you get 20 slides, and 20 seconds per slide. oh, and the entire thing was in Danish. Even if i didnt understand most of whats being said (i did try, and could pick out the occasional sentence) it was a lot of fun. This time it was located in a contemporary art museum downtown thats inside of an old church. What could be better than God and Design in the same place?

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