Thursday, January 14, 2010

Winter Break: the cliff notes

Hello there.

Its been a long time. Ive been busy. Too busy. And I haven’t had time to write. And because this post doesn’t have picture you probably willn’t read it. Its come to my attention that I don’t think anyone read this but what the hay. I get some satisfaction writing it. so I will write.

To make this easier to read im just going to bullet point what ive been up too, in no order a’tall.

- Parents visited me for Christmas. We made pineapple chicken for lunch. Had a great day. There was even some snow outside

- Went to Lithuania! So cool. I convinced my parents to ditch taxis and we took the public bus into the city. We didn’t know where to get off, so a lovely lithanian girl and older women helped us figure it out. They were nice.

- There is a pair of shoes I wish I bought in Vilnius.

- Went to a tour castle on an inland in the middle of 5 frozen was cold.

- I have discovered long johns. Don’t know how I survived the last 3 months without them.

- Had a crazy new years….haha…yea.. some of you will hear stories. Sis was intown that day, and we hung out with my Danish friends. 7 am is a good bed time right?

- Currently there are two girls sleeping in my room. My sister and her cool friend Kim. They are taking up both my beds. Im confined to an air mattress that doesn’t quite fit in the room... thanks to Jeanie tho for letting me borrow it, and to Andrea for lending us her blanket while shes out of town.

- Had 20 hours in London. I left with 12 discs of music.

- Had dinner at a German families home.

- Rode in a car for the first time since September…it was weird.

- Been to Malmo…twice.

- Have ridden the subways in London and Berlin.

- Experienced my first Limberskim and my first peter eisman.

- Miss my uva and wash u friends. Im constantly telling my family about you all.

- Seen Avatar…in 3D…TWICE. Haha good times with good friends.

- Finally ate at Riz-Raz.

- Bought more long johns.

- Lost a pair of gloves.

- Got my first real piece of mail.

- Had a night with pretty german girls..and old german men..talking about American history and development farm houses in the Black Forrest…this night was not nearly as exciting as it sounds at first…

- Walked across the Lakes. Those from KBH know what lakes im talking about. They were frozen over.

- Can Identify the work of three graffiti artists in Vilnius.

There is probably more but it will come out in time. Pictures of some of these exploits will be leaked as well. That’s a pun. Sort of.

As for now, my sister and her friend are with me for another three days or so, then school starts a few days after that. I need more time. I feel like my head is going crazy and my priorities are getting out of focus. I need a few days to regather myself before school starts; to be alone and figure out what I need to do and what matters.


  1. Keep posting David! I'm still here!

  2. i did read this. even without pictures.

  3. thanks guys! ill keep postin. haha i like how the two people whos blogs i read the most are the ones who responded.
