Saturday, January 30, 2010

Daily activities and random photos

I haven’t written in too long, and you deserve updates, however modest.

Right now im sitting somewhat contented in my room. It smells of fabric softener and is very humid. I air dry my clothes. The dries take too long and cost too much.

Today I finished some sketches for my urban journal class. did some required reading. Cleaned my room. Laundry. Sent of some important emails. Oh! And I went to the library. Got some books. And discovered that I can download music for free online, but it expires after a week. I did it anyways. I also cleaned off my computer. Much more space now, and I changed the interface a bit. Much simpler now. Its refreshing. Makes me love my computer again a bit.

Yesterday I presented a case study project. So happy to be done with it. group project; you understand.

There are a lot of new students at school, but because this first project was so hectic I haven’t gotten to meet many yet. Ive actually probably become better friends with some of the interns than I have the new students. All of us full year students really miss the people from last semester. Yesterday I probably had 5 conversations with full year kids about how we keep thinking we see our old friends around but they aren’t. The general concensus is that we miss the UVA and Wash U kids a lot (shout out to you all!) and that the new students seem too focused.

Its still snowing here. we got 4 inches a few days ago, and more the day after. its now the coldest winter Denmark has had in 23 years, yet i really havent minded it yet for the most part. I think snow and cold weather arent as depressing when you have things you have to do. you just cant let it stop you from living or going out, even if you go out less.

But these are just the ramblings of day to day stuff. I have added some completely unrelated photos.

The photo at the top is Traku Castle in Lithuania. its actually on an island in the middle of a lake. it you looke you can see several bridges. all of the white around them is frozen lake. it was much colder there than KBH even.

The next picture is my parents at the metro stop in fornt of gronjords!!!! this photo is surreal for me; seeing my parents where i live in my new home is amazng. I know my mom probably doesnt want me to post this but i dont care. theres no way my parents can visit me and not get a picture on the blog. Love you guys.

this is the pair of shoes in Vilnius that i wish i got. but i have a picture and that makes me happy :) Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania (because i know there have to be people who are ganna go look up where it is;).

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