Sunday, January 17, 2010

Highlight Photos of the second half of break

Soon i will post the iconic pictures from the break, but for now here are some of the good memories. not in order. or in reverse order i guess haha.

Music shop in London. HMV must be the British slang for 'heaven'. look em up online. their logo is a dog and a gramaphone :)
Lounging in the airport. hour flight delay.

hahaha you can play dress up at the viking ship museum. went with my sis. cant decide you if i look charming or dorky. or if theres a difference. you can vocalize your opinion haha.

Me and sis on the swings at the Danish Design Center. We went on the first wednessday that they are no longer free on. go figure.

a day before my haircut.


  1. ah...nice haircut! you finally got one!

  2. haha thanks!
    i did get one, and for only 125 dkk :) It feels nice now. and i dont wear my hat anymore haha

  3. i saw a big HMV store in shibuya, tokyo. didn't have a chance to go in tho =T
