Tuesday, November 3, 2009


haha so i was talking to the girl who lives next door to me about my Danish class, then all of a sudden she got really excited ran to her room and came back with this. Its a popular danish childrens books she wanted me to read. And before you ask, yes, that is poo on his head. the title translates roughly to "the mole who would find out who pooped on his head". the translation for poop may be a little less pg. but its a really funny book. And i thought you would enjoy seeing it. Thank you Jeanie for letting me borrow this!


  1. That is freak'n awesome!!! So did you end up reading it all and understanding it? Did the mole eventually find out who pooped on his head? Dude details, details!

  2. haha details you shall have. The mole comes out of his tunnel one day and finds that someone's poop has landed on his head. Needless to day he is pissed. he goes to the first animal he sees and asked if he did it. The Pigeion then replies "surely you dont think its me. this is how i go!" and then theres a breif but graphic description of the animal pooing. like small green drops, or large plumps.

    The story contiunes the same as the mole asks the horse, rabbit, goat, cow and pig. Then he is about to ask another animal till he realizes its a pair of flies. knowing that they know about dung, he asks then if they know who did it. THe two flies consult eachother for a second, then respond that it could only have been the guard dog! The mole is excited to finally know. To enact his revenge he climes atop the doghouse while the dog is sleeping and *pop* a small thingy of mole poo lands on the dogs head. the mole is so excited he runs back to his hole. The dog wakes up and just has this tiny thing of poop on his head. im not even sure if he notices.

    haha i hope you like the story. i was very entertained by it. i couldnt read all of it, like all the adjetives descriping poo or animal names and stuff, so i had to translate it online, but every know and then i would get part of it. was a good exercise.

  3. awesome, thats a great story, wow, hahaha freak'n mole is hilarious.

    thanks so much, I really wanted to know even though that sounds weird. You need to come across more childrens books like that. It's so interesting to know that is a very famous book.

    Needless to say ... AWESOME!!!! Kids know what's cool.

  4. wow. i'm sorry, but that book is gross.

    awesome that you can understand what it says! :-D

  5. Gross!? what are you talking about haha. this book is great. Im diffidently ganna buy a copy before i go home.
