Monday, September 28, 2009


We have a midterm review tomorrow for studio. Really, its just a glorified desk crit with different teachers. Not too stressful, just gotta get stuff done. I just finished my plans, sections and axons. I've given myself an hour and a half to bust a small model out. Then ima go home cuz i think i still have danish hw to do.

These are a few pictures of studio. I'll take more when the light is better but I thought it was really funny that from the back stair well you could see people workin in three studios. Mines the one on top. My studio is in the darkest corner of the tallest tower. Actually its usually the brightest room cuz its at the top and isnt shaded by the other buildings. In the other shot my computer is the one on the very right hand side of the screen. Thats where I am right now..dun dun.

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