Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Today I got to visit the offices of BIG! I got to take a tour of the office, take pictures and ask questions. I went with my friends Annie, Mark, and Ryan. They guy that gave us the tour turned out to be a friend of Annie's from Tulane. Funny how that stuff works out. The work environment feels really relaxed. You can work whenever you want, so only a fraction of the office was there since there aren't too many deadlines right now. We got to see some new projects that they are working on, and got some construction updates. Oh, and we saw Bjarke's thesis project too.

Their offices feel really organized. They have a wall with all of their model materials organized like the shelves at carpe, but the signs are all made out of legos. They have their own laser cutter and 3d printer. Some of their little rooms off to the side have shelves like a bakery, but with a ton of study models.

The shot of me is taken in Bjarke's office. He's in Istanbul right now apparently, in addition to teaching at Columbia.

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