Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Open Air Museum

Went to the open air museum on Sunday for class. It was a 20 ride out of the city. They have taken a bunch of really old buildings from throughout Denmark and have painstakingly reassembled them here. There were a lot of half timber farmhouses, as well as some brick. I learned a lot more about the origins of this building typology, and how it has affected modern Danish culture. Good old vernacular. Love it. I have dozens of photos from the visit. I may start using flickr again to post more. And if you have any questions about these buildings i can more than answer it. I will be studying them for the next few weeks.

Oh!!! I also had my first aeblskivers here with jam and powdered sugar. soooo good :)


  1. what is a... aeblskivers? and how do you pronounce that? i'm afraid to even try.

  2. Aeblskivers are these amazing danish pancake/donut-like things that are served warm with jam and/or powdered sugar. To die for!


    A- as in the letter
    Bull- as in the wild animal ridden at rodeos
    Ski- as in the winter sport that rivals snowboarding
    Vers- as in the last letter of diVERS

    Now that you can pronouce it, go eat one! :)
