Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Bornholm Picture

Okay, so I dont have much to say right now. The weather has been really cloudy all weekend, but it hasn't rained. I have a lot of projects and or tests this week so Ive spent most of the weekend doing work, or attempting to do work. I did get to go to a welcome party here at Gronjords on friday. that was a lot of fun. Met some cool Danish people.

Oh! and I biked to the grocery store. I can bike there, get food, and be back in about 40 min. There is probably a closer store but the route I take is really pretty and takes me past some of my favorite buildings and swings.

The picture is from my friend Marks blog. Its me napping on a rock in Bornholm. Serious props to Mark, he takes great photos and photoshops each one to perfection before posting them online. Don't know how he finds the time.

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