Monday, September 14, 2009

Aalborg University

We visited the 'media-ology' department at Aalborg University. Quite possible my my favorite stop. I met one of the technicians the night before so i was really excited to go. They study and develop augmented reality programs. Augmented reality is the inserting of digital images, data, or models into real time views. The most exciting part was testing out the "Cave." Its millions of dollars worth of equipment. Its a 3m x 3m x3m cube with screens on all 6 sides. Projectors light these screens and when you are in the cube with special glasses and a controler everything looks like it is in 3d. they had one program which would allow you do draw. If you stepped forward you would walk through it, and if you look from below you could see how everything curved. They also had a digital model of a tower loaded, which you could explore. All in all, pretty amazing, and this was their older stuff. Im super excited for the future of computing again.


  1. W-O-W. that looks simply amazing david. did you get to try it out? do some flythroughs and panarounds. you were so excited to write that this was your favorite place, you wrote "my" twice ahah, yes i can tell you really enjoyed yourself, as you should. now when can they ship that over to america so i wont have to deal with revit's stupid camerca flythrough mode?

  2. haha yea i loved this place. i didnt do the flythough program, but i got to draw. it was so trippy. i tagged my name in 3d and walked around it. Luis tried makeing a house. it was hard cuz none of the points met up but still fun. I think the next phase is to just hook it up to special glasses so you dont need the whole room. They've been testing gloves too which would be better than the wii like controller. apparently this room is like 10 yrs old too, so i cant imagine some of the better stuff theyve been workin on.
