Saturday, January 30, 2010

Daily activities and random photos

I haven’t written in too long, and you deserve updates, however modest.

Right now im sitting somewhat contented in my room. It smells of fabric softener and is very humid. I air dry my clothes. The dries take too long and cost too much.

Today I finished some sketches for my urban journal class. did some required reading. Cleaned my room. Laundry. Sent of some important emails. Oh! And I went to the library. Got some books. And discovered that I can download music for free online, but it expires after a week. I did it anyways. I also cleaned off my computer. Much more space now, and I changed the interface a bit. Much simpler now. Its refreshing. Makes me love my computer again a bit.

Yesterday I presented a case study project. So happy to be done with it. group project; you understand.

There are a lot of new students at school, but because this first project was so hectic I haven’t gotten to meet many yet. Ive actually probably become better friends with some of the interns than I have the new students. All of us full year students really miss the people from last semester. Yesterday I probably had 5 conversations with full year kids about how we keep thinking we see our old friends around but they aren’t. The general concensus is that we miss the UVA and Wash U kids a lot (shout out to you all!) and that the new students seem too focused.

Its still snowing here. we got 4 inches a few days ago, and more the day after. its now the coldest winter Denmark has had in 23 years, yet i really havent minded it yet for the most part. I think snow and cold weather arent as depressing when you have things you have to do. you just cant let it stop you from living or going out, even if you go out less.

But these are just the ramblings of day to day stuff. I have added some completely unrelated photos.

The photo at the top is Traku Castle in Lithuania. its actually on an island in the middle of a lake. it you looke you can see several bridges. all of the white around them is frozen lake. it was much colder there than KBH even.

The next picture is my parents at the metro stop in fornt of gronjords!!!! this photo is surreal for me; seeing my parents where i live in my new home is amazng. I know my mom probably doesnt want me to post this but i dont care. theres no way my parents can visit me and not get a picture on the blog. Love you guys.

this is the pair of shoes in Vilnius that i wish i got. but i have a picture and that makes me happy :) Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania (because i know there have to be people who are ganna go look up where it is;).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010



Ive wanted to go there since I was 10, and I finally got to go. I was there for 20 hours and it was amazing. Obviously it wasn’t enough time, so im hoping to go back. When I landed with my sister and her friend Kim I was in a bit of an annoyed mood. Flight delays. Middle seats. Customs. Late trains. Weather that felt cold than KBH. And Waterloo station is so huge its hard to find your way out.

But once we found (the amazing) hotel everything started to go well. It was already dark, but that didn’t matter. We went on an amazing walk. We saw the London eye, Big Ben, Buckingham, Pickedelies Circus, and a few other areas. We stopped somewhere in Westminster and had one of my favorite meals of my study abroad time. I had a heaping plate of lamb and potatoes covered in a thick gravey, with sides of carrots and peas. So so so good! I don’t care what you think about peas. The girls both had fish and chips, which was pretty good too (I cleaned sis’s plate up).

As pictured in the previous post, I visted one of the HMV mega stores. It was amazing. I got so many cds that are not available outside of England. Mostly dance music, because its harder to find, but there was also a rock disc as well.

If you know anything about me you know that I like subways/metros/trains/etc. airships too. So obviously I thought the London Underground was really interesting. It was so interesting to experience what is the one of the most talked about systems. The system is actually pretty old. A lot of the tunnels down are way to small for the number of people who use it, and I don’t know who in their right mind puts hall ways with right angles deep underground (at least they put mirrors). There was also a circular stair case with no indication oh how deep it was. We walked down for probably 5 min in what felt like a neverending and dizzying downward spiral. But the system was really easy to use once you got past that. Its almost impossible to get on going the wrong direction. Its also really expansive, and you can get almost anywhere in the city, or so it felt. So I actually really like the system. I feel comfortable in it, despite the flaws. Its my kind of place

Currently listening to: Florence + the Machine and Clubland X-treme Hardcore 6 Disc 1

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Highlight Photos of the second half of break

Soon i will post the iconic pictures from the break, but for now here are some of the good memories. not in order. or in reverse order i guess haha.

Music shop in London. HMV must be the British slang for 'heaven'. look em up online. their logo is a dog and a gramaphone :)
Lounging in the airport. hour flight delay.

hahaha you can play dress up at the viking ship museum. went with my sis. cant decide you if i look charming or dorky. or if theres a difference. you can vocalize your opinion haha.

Me and sis on the swings at the Danish Design Center. We went on the first wednessday that they are no longer free on. go figure.

a day before my haircut.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Winter Break: the cliff notes

Hello there.

Its been a long time. Ive been busy. Too busy. And I haven’t had time to write. And because this post doesn’t have picture you probably willn’t read it. Its come to my attention that I don’t think anyone read this but what the hay. I get some satisfaction writing it. so I will write.

To make this easier to read im just going to bullet point what ive been up too, in no order a’tall.

- Parents visited me for Christmas. We made pineapple chicken for lunch. Had a great day. There was even some snow outside

- Went to Lithuania! So cool. I convinced my parents to ditch taxis and we took the public bus into the city. We didn’t know where to get off, so a lovely lithanian girl and older women helped us figure it out. They were nice.

- There is a pair of shoes I wish I bought in Vilnius.

- Went to a tour castle on an inland in the middle of 5 frozen was cold.

- I have discovered long johns. Don’t know how I survived the last 3 months without them.

- Had a crazy new years….haha…yea.. some of you will hear stories. Sis was intown that day, and we hung out with my Danish friends. 7 am is a good bed time right?

- Currently there are two girls sleeping in my room. My sister and her cool friend Kim. They are taking up both my beds. Im confined to an air mattress that doesn’t quite fit in the room... thanks to Jeanie tho for letting me borrow it, and to Andrea for lending us her blanket while shes out of town.

- Had 20 hours in London. I left with 12 discs of music.

- Had dinner at a German families home.

- Rode in a car for the first time since September…it was weird.

- Been to Malmo…twice.

- Have ridden the subways in London and Berlin.

- Experienced my first Limberskim and my first peter eisman.

- Miss my uva and wash u friends. Im constantly telling my family about you all.

- Seen Avatar…in 3D…TWICE. Haha good times with good friends.

- Finally ate at Riz-Raz.

- Bought more long johns.

- Lost a pair of gloves.

- Got my first real piece of mail.

- Had a night with pretty german girls..and old german men..talking about American history and development farm houses in the Black Forrest…this night was not nearly as exciting as it sounds at first…

- Walked across the Lakes. Those from KBH know what lakes im talking about. They were frozen over.

- Can Identify the work of three graffiti artists in Vilnius.

There is probably more but it will come out in time. Pictures of some of these exploits will be leaked as well. That’s a pun. Sort of.

As for now, my sister and her friend are with me for another three days or so, then school starts a few days after that. I need more time. I feel like my head is going crazy and my priorities are getting out of focus. I need a few days to regather myself before school starts; to be alone and figure out what I need to do and what matters.