Monday, November 30, 2009


Im Back!

Most of you don’t know that I left for Prague over the thanksgiving break. Why we get the holiday off at all I have no idea. Seems silly to me. But I took the chance to travel with some friends. We were gone 5 days. I had an amazing time. And now im back to work. Finals are coming up in the next two weeks and I have a lot of deadlines. Traveling set me slightly behind, but I think that I may be able to pull it off. Ive got two videos to film and or edit, and a full set of plans due in the next 12-36 hours. And beyond that I have no idea what else. But rather than blather on about this ima point out a few things I learned on the trip then head back to work. Pictures will be online in the coming week.

- The UK edition of Wired is great. and the content isnt all the same. (sidenote: they had the gorilaz on the cover of the last issue)

- 100 Czech Kroner = $6. Math was hard.

- The Czech Republic is beautiful. And the people are nice, even if they only half know english. And the public transit is great.

- I was once again reminded by security to take my hat off inside of a cathedral. This does not apply in synagogues.

- Czech food is now some of my favorite. A week of hardy meals with goulash in bread bowls, and pork neck with dumplings.

- Cameras do funny things when you drop them. Don’t drop them. I don’t care how cool that playground by the Charles Bridge is.

- British accents are fun.

- I walk fast.

- Christmas markets are neat. I saw more kids on their parents shoulders at once than I have in my entire life.

- We got caught in the middle of a choir rehearsal in a public square. There were 2000 people from all over the world singing together for the first time. It was…definitely rehearsal. Then we were asked by an old lady why we “not sing.”

- Ukrainian girls are fun to talk to.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Monday, November 16, 2009

More Firenze

Hey! Luis posted these on facebook and now im sharing with you if you havent seen them yet.Taken from the plaza di Michelangelo at night. In the group photo its me, Liz, Brittany(one of Liz's cool roomies), and Luis.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sonday Afternoon Walks, Slow Times and Introspection

I have to say that I love being back in Copenhagen. The last few days Ive been able to just take it slow and relax. I went for a nice bike ride in Vesterbro, found some rad galleries in the meatpacking district, watched movies, and have gone out with some of my Danish friends (i dont think most of my American friends are back in Denmark yet).

But bassically its been a good time. Im listening to some airy music. Lots of time for introspection.

The picture (or pictures if i decide to post more) are from a walk i took today just cuz i needed to get out. taken at about 4 pm.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Milan and Firenze!

Hey y'all!

I just got back from my week in Italy. It was pretty bomb. I have to say, i Milan was okay, but i had an amazing time in Florance. I got to hang out with all my friends from home. Liz did an amazing job hosting me and Luis, and the rest of the crew made us feel well at home.

So I know you want pictures. And I have posted them! on my flickr account. You dont have the link to my account. But now you do! I have uploaded a whole bunch of pictures in to two sets. and ive added great descriptions for most of them. so have at em :) comment here or there.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Its raining, im leaving

Hey all,

tomorrow (that would be wednesday) im leaving for Italy!!! yay. haha so this trip is finally real. Im spending the frist two or three days alone in Milan, then hoping on the train to Florance where I will meet up with Luis and all the CPP Italy kids! It should be a great time. Im really looking forward to it. im all packed and everything. well mostly packed. flight leaves tomorrow at 3. i'll be back the follow wednesday.


haha so i was talking to the girl who lives next door to me about my Danish class, then all of a sudden she got really excited ran to her room and came back with this. Its a popular danish childrens books she wanted me to read. And before you ask, yes, that is poo on his head. the title translates roughly to "the mole who would find out who pooped on his head". the translation for poop may be a little less pg. but its a really funny book. And i thought you would enjoy seeing it. Thank you Jeanie for letting me borrow this!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

J-dag and Ticket to Italy

Its been a while. But that’s cuz its been busy! Last week we had review for our studio project, and after that I think I was just kinda worn out. Since then Ive basically just taken naps and gone on bike rides. But I have done two important things!

First: I helped celebrate J-dag. This year it was Friday Oct. 30. It’s a weird holiday. I actually don’t think its really a holiday, but a cultural phenomenon. Its the day that the new Christmas beer is released. People flood the streets. There are release parties at every bar club and cafĂ©. But since its so close to Halloween, some people are dressed up in their costumes. So one the one hand you have people passing out beer branded flannel shirts and santa hats (yes I have my own now) and on the other you have people dressed as slutty Vikings or sailors. All in all it was a good night. And the city is small enough that even after my friends left I ran into other friends of mine. It’s a very close nit city.

Second: I booked my ticket to Italy! Haha. Okay so I am officially on a 2 week break. Most people had tickets and plans long ago, and even now almost all my friends have left the country and are off on busy itineraries. Probably shoulda done that. But Im taking it easy for a few days, then Wednesday I fly to Italy, and ill be there a week or so before coming back. Yes, I will go visit the Florence kids. They may or may not know that. I should probably research stuff to do once im there.

Other things you should know

-right now im drying my towels and sheets on the radiator.

-went for a nice long bike ride today.. to probably the coldest place I could possibley go. It’s a cold overcast day, and I biked to the upper part of Amager, and to the beach. Did I mention the intense wind? the picture is from the beach. sorry, i didnt take j-dag pics. ill get them from someone.

-I know this post has a lot of text. I don’t blame you for not reading it all! :)