Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Okay, the story must continue. When we arrived in Stockholm we went through imigration, then back through security again (time #3), then off to our terminal. That sounds mundane, but the airport is like a mall! It felt like a department store. There were shops with really classy clothes, and an entire perfume department. Walking around was super fun.

The flight to Copenhagen was only one hour. Ironically I slept on this flight haha. The plane flew low enough the whole time that you could watch the landscape below. It was amazing! If tom sawyer lived somewhere else it would be here, no doubt hahaha.

On the decent to CPH we could see the city, and a long row of windmills in the ocean.

After we landed we picked up our bags, exchanged money, then got on the bus our school rented to pick us up. It was weird haha. we didnt even stop at customs or imigration or anything. I didnt even see a line for such things, but i wont complain.

Off to registration!

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