Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have arrived in Copenhagen safely! You can all stop panicking. I arrived sunday morning, but have either not had internet or too tierd to update until now. Ive got a bunch of stuff to talk about and show you. I think that Im going to split it up into multiple posts. over the next week as I adjust to Denmark.

I was almost late for my early mornin' flight from LAX, but my parents asked the security gaurds if we could hop the screening line. So me and another girl whose parents begged too got to jump the line. Turns out she was going to DIS too. (her name is Faith). Anyhow, after we got through we met up with Luis and Andrea. Apparently we all booked the same flight without knowing haha. thats what happens when you look for the cheapest flight at the last minute.

The flight from LA to Chicago went smoothly. They showed 'ghosts of girlfriends past' on the flight. i forget if we had food on that flight. wait..nope. haha once we got to Chicago and found the terminal for our long intercontinental flight we had a last meal of McDonalds. I know, its sad. but i was starving.

Then we boarded the SAS plane. and it was amazing. The eight hour flight was great. I tried to sleep but every time i got close they came down the isles to pass out the meals. The food was great (for airplane food). They even had tiny lil triangles of brie (thank you Justin for exposing me to it). I also discovered that Breyers makes yogurt. very plain tart yogurt.

Their was a couple sitting next to me and Luis that was greatly entertaing. The man was on a biz trip to sweeden, but didnt like sitting down so he walked all around the plane drinking, but everytime he came back he brought Luis, Andrea, and I a cup of really nice european candy. he must have brought out 5 cups of it. I still have some. haha His wife kept telling him to stop.

The plane had a bunch of neat features, like cameras of the view below or ahead, and touchscreen entertainment systems. i could talk for a while about that.

but I think i will end this post here like a short cliffhanger!


  1. tell us more! that's awesome you got to skip the line at the airport for you and faith. but bad of general airport security. i just hope terrorists never get wind that foreign exchange students get special treatment although i completely agree with this policy and hope it extends to all travellers abroad. i would also like to add that i also believe plane food is one of the most underrated meals, i had a wonderfully tender steak on a plane once. and cameras of the view below?!?! simply amazing.

  2. I dont think its bad we jumped the line. We still went through security, just not the long line for it. We totally would have missed the flight if we didnt hahaha. oh so bad. we boarded as soon as we got through.

    You right, plane food is underrated. It was really good.
