Monday, August 31, 2009


I cant believe I forgot to post this. A few days ago I got to go to my favorite building :) Its two stops past mine on the metro. We walked all around it and through its colorful parking garage. A few nights later we went back to watch people dance on the side of the building with a bunch of lights and live music. It was really fun.. and really abstract haha. I will probably go back here frequently.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Soccer!! er...Futball!

I got to got to a soccer game today! School covered the charge to the event, which was between FC Kobenhaven and their rivals (whose name i forget). So this game was a big deal, and the tickets were worth 245K (or apx $48). It was a good game. A few times during the game the fans from the other team lit flares and fire crackers. Filled the place with smoke. Ended up being a tie game (1-1).


Thanks to Yvonne for pointing my in the right direction

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Walk!

After we all settled, all the people (25) from DIS in our housing had pizza together outside. There were a lot of architects in the bunch. After that some of us decided to go on a walk, even thou we had been awake for hours! haha you have to explore on your first day no matter how tired you are.

So my new friends Ryan, Mark, and Annie walked through the huge park next to us, on to the river, where we sat on the bank at sunset! it was amazing. Then we walked up stream toward the city then back around. Mark says it was about a 3 mile walk but so worth it! walked by mvrdv housing, plots harbour baths, and a legion of other great buildings in the up and coming part of the city.

Gronjordkolliget = HOME!!!

Next they took us too our respective housing. I live just a few min walk from the ITU. Andrea, Kellene, and Luis all live in DIS shared housing in the middle of the city. My building is right by a metro station, and its only a 8 min ride to town. So from my door to class is only about 22 min.

Ill write more about my room later, but for now I will show a few pics ;)
(the exterior pic is from a walk later that day)


Registration was in the ITU. I couldnt believe it. I had been in town less than an hour and i was already going in one of the buildings on my list.

While there I got my class schedule, id card, food & transportation stipend. I also signed up for a cell phone. Its a really ghetto old nokia haha. but it does the job. Ill write more about it later.

Then there was a lot of waiting around for them to split us up and take us to our housing. Me and Luis found a ping pong table on the second floor while searching for a better shot of the building. We will have to go back.


Okay, the story must continue. When we arrived in Stockholm we went through imigration, then back through security again (time #3), then off to our terminal. That sounds mundane, but the airport is like a mall! It felt like a department store. There were shops with really classy clothes, and an entire perfume department. Walking around was super fun.

The flight to Copenhagen was only one hour. Ironically I slept on this flight haha. The plane flew low enough the whole time that you could watch the landscape below. It was amazing! If tom sawyer lived somewhere else it would be here, no doubt hahaha.

On the decent to CPH we could see the city, and a long row of windmills in the ocean.

After we landed we picked up our bags, exchanged money, then got on the bus our school rented to pick us up. It was weird haha. we didnt even stop at customs or imigration or anything. I didnt even see a line for such things, but i wont complain.

Off to registration!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I have arrived in Copenhagen safely! You can all stop panicking. I arrived sunday morning, but have either not had internet or too tierd to update until now. Ive got a bunch of stuff to talk about and show you. I think that Im going to split it up into multiple posts. over the next week as I adjust to Denmark.

I was almost late for my early mornin' flight from LAX, but my parents asked the security gaurds if we could hop the screening line. So me and another girl whose parents begged too got to jump the line. Turns out she was going to DIS too. (her name is Faith). Anyhow, after we got through we met up with Luis and Andrea. Apparently we all booked the same flight without knowing haha. thats what happens when you look for the cheapest flight at the last minute.

The flight from LA to Chicago went smoothly. They showed 'ghosts of girlfriends past' on the flight. i forget if we had food on that flight. wait..nope. haha once we got to Chicago and found the terminal for our long intercontinental flight we had a last meal of McDonalds. I know, its sad. but i was starving.

Then we boarded the SAS plane. and it was amazing. The eight hour flight was great. I tried to sleep but every time i got close they came down the isles to pass out the meals. The food was great (for airplane food). They even had tiny lil triangles of brie (thank you Justin for exposing me to it). I also discovered that Breyers makes yogurt. very plain tart yogurt.

Their was a couple sitting next to me and Luis that was greatly entertaing. The man was on a biz trip to sweeden, but didnt like sitting down so he walked all around the plane drinking, but everytime he came back he brought Luis, Andrea, and I a cup of really nice european candy. he must have brought out 5 cups of it. I still have some. haha His wife kept telling him to stop.

The plane had a bunch of neat features, like cameras of the view below or ahead, and touchscreen entertainment systems. i could talk for a while about that.

but I think i will end this post here like a short cliffhanger!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Thought I would post my flights for you all. If you have a mac you can follow me with the flight tracker on your dashboard. I'm sure there are online flight trackers too so you can check where in the sky I am for the next few days ;)

I leave LA on Saturday 22, and arrive in Copenhagen Sunday 23

United: LAX-Chicago (ORD)
Flight 106 Departs 8.16am Arrives 2.16pm Durration 4hours

Scandinavian Air: Chicago (ORD)- Stockholm (ARN)
Flight 946 Departs 4.25pm Arrives 7.45am (Sunday 23) Duration 8hours 20 min

Scandinavian Air: Stockholm (ARN)- Copenhagen (CPH)
Flight 1419 Departs 10.00am Arrives 11.10am Duration 1hour 10 min

Hope you enjoy your weekends :) Please pray the flights and luggage all go smoothly. The next time that I write I should be on a new continent! Well okay, technically and older continent, but new to me:)


The last few days have been spent in a flurry of packing and double checking. Ive gotten all of my clothes ready, and all my school/drafting/model making supplies ready. There are only a few last minute things left to toothpaste haha. So hopefully ive done a good job and im not forgetting anything major. Its so weird to think that all I'll have with me is two cases weighing in at less than 100 lbs., as opposed to the car full of junk I usually lug with me to school.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hey everyone!

A few days ago I got my housing information for Denmark! I'll be staying in the Grønjords kollegiet just south of downtown. Its biking distance from school, and also only 7 minuets away via metro. Bassically, a bunch of colleges share this housing. Out of the 1000 students in the complex there are only 25 from DIS. I beleive that im on the eighth floor of one of the towers, which if i counting them right, is the top floor!
(in the satellite photo my housing is in the bottom center, and downtown/school is on the upper left side)