Sunday, April 18, 2010


I went to Paris. I came back from Paris. Here is the evidence.

Classically planned parks with perfect rows of trees are surprisingly cool.
In this park you could not touch the grass. you could only sit in chairs....
View from the 2nd platform of the eiffel tower. thats like half way up. we didnt get to make it to the top. long story.
Le Corbusier's Villa Sayvoy. One of the most important buildings in Modern Architiecture. Was way cooler than expected.
Gotan! in the paris subway....
Donkey Kong pads!!!! Taken in Bernard Tschumi's park. there is a video of this i will try to add soon.

Awesome playground in part of the Tschumi park. Reminds me of Eric. he woulda had so much fun here.
Zip line. we got kicked out of this playground not long after...we think. they were speaking to us in french and spanish.
More Tschumi
Pompidou Center
The Metro signs!!!! so exciting. one of the few existing examples of the Art nouvou style in an urban context. They are from the 1910-20s and still look amazing.
The Louve.
Mona Lisa. I was told there was a civilized line to see it. lies. just a mob.
Where the writers of the lost generation hung out. James Joyce, etc. i got a new book of poems called the Boy Moon. i havent laughed so hard in a long time.
Love, love this hahahha. on a swingset behind the Norte dame.
most expensive facde in the world. no lie.
awsome building not too far from where i stayed. revamped dock. part is a fashion school. the rest is unused.
'Nough said
Notre Dame
same as above, but in the daytime.
Basketball game in the park. i jumped into the next two games. it felt so good to play again! its been almost a years since my last real game. and this was the first day i could go outside in just a tshirt with no jackets in probably months. amazing.
got a cd i have been looking for 5 years for. but its copy protected so i still havent heard it yet.

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