Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oslo JDS Ski Jump

JDS has designed the new ski jump in Oslo. its pretty awesome. the shot from far away is from the opera house, zoomed in as far as my shakey hands would allow. we took a metro to a bus to get there. the bus just kept winding up Norwegian mountains. When we got there we found a small ropes course a foot or two off the ground. Being children, Matt, Cass, and I completed it..or most of it. There were a bunch of people walking around the ski lift. maybe 50? its a large area. but to get there we had to walk around the site to where there was a gap in the gate. kinda sketch. we walked all around. Then we decided that we should walk to the top of the stands. You can see the steep concrete bleachers to the side of the jump in one of the photos. yea. we made it up there, and walked all up under the thing. Then when we were climbing back down security came and threw us out. The place is still kinda under construction. the only thing we really understood of the guards english was "faster." the rest of the site was almost empty now too haha. so worth it. here are the pics.

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