Friday, June 19, 2009

Welcome to NODES

Welcome to the new blog! There are a few things i must address:

1) Who will post here?__ I don't know if this blog will be a community effort or an individual expression.

2) Whats in a name?__ The word node has several definitions (wiki).As I am using it, it means a collection of points which represent the global location of my friends and I.

3) Who made the graphic at the top of the page?__ I did of course.

1 comment:

  1. You're a nerd... BUT that's why I love ya! Bring me back something cool! Hahaha... Have a great trip! I'll be following your updates! By the way, I'm officially married, as of July 18th. Just barely moved into our apartment. So that's my update. Feel free to ask any questions... I get bored! Haha... TTYL!
