Sunday, May 23, 2010

Life Has Changed

It has been over a month since i have posted. you have probably forgotten about this blog and are either pleasantly surprised or slightly confused when it pops up in your google reader. A lot has happened. i turned 22. i finished my 4th year of college. I have made some friends. lost some. I now rent a room from a bunch of neat Danish students in Osterbro, have a real job, eat a lot of Danish food, and have many more Danish friends than American ones now that most of my school mates have gone home. there are lots of events that i should have posted to this blog but i have been internalizing some things, sharing them only with family. but here is a collection of random images from the last month. many from the last week.

i also have created a new background for the blog. it means something to me but you probably dont know what. Made from scratch.

i dont feel like explaining any of these images, but i will say that the building in the back of the first one is where i live. i took the photo this morning. my window is on the second floor, second from the right of the corner building. yes. that is a bakery on the first floor.