Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stranded in Berlin

Last weekend I went to Berlin with the rest of the Full Year students. It was a great trip. Saw buildings by Daniel Linberskim, Norman Foster, David Copperfield, Peter Eisanman, and many more. Also had some great food, including what is apparently the best Mexican food in Europe. It was amazing :) haven’t had a legit burrito in a long time. I also discovered that I really really like curry. Went to an incredible 4 story book and music story (picked up a special edition 3 disc ATB cd, and a small book of poetry and prose about the London Underground). I also explored some of the trendy shops of the city with the help of some friends who had been there before and knew where to go. Found a great printshop where I bought a silk screened poster of Berlin. Those of you who know me too well know that I have a weekness for handmade and printed things. Here is the poster, and the site for the shop: I got the poster in Yellow.

The trip was supposed to be from Friday to Sunday. But our flight back was delayed. And then after we had gotten to the gate, and saw the plane come in, they announced that our flight was cancelled! They said we may be able to catch a plane ‘the next day, or the day after’ hahaha. Ahhh. Long and short of it is that easy jet paid for our hotel for the night, and then the next day we were taxied to an airport on the other side of town, where we flew out on a different airline. Missed both my classes that day. It was great. Most of us had an essay due that day. I had written mine but not well, and most hadn’t started. So we were saved.

There is so much I could say about the trip. But I think I will just show you instead.